Yao Shun Yu, a cheerful and optimistic young man, lands a job as a secretary at the successful online marketing company Tianxia, eager to support his hardworking parents. On his first day, he learns he’ll be working for the demanding General Manager Xia Shang Zhou, not the kind interviewer, Li Hui Wang. Despite a disastrous start, Shun Yu is determined to stay, encouraged by the excellent salary, a Q&A manual on the boss, and the support of his colleagues—who are relieved he’s taking on the difficult job. After all, he’s dealt with tough customers at his parents’ restaurant.
Native Title: 絕對佔領
Also Known As: Jue Dui Zhan Ling , Chueh Tui Chan Ling , 绝对占领
Episodes: 10
Aired: Sep 15, 2023
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